Sunday, September 30, 2007

The votes are in!

Drum roll please. . .it looks like we are having a Star Wars fan! That poor child never stood a chance- geek runs in our genes. The doctor should be able to confirm this prediction in about two weeks.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Steppin' Out With My Baby!

The above picture I have added as an illustration of the difficulty I have had finding a formal dress for next weekend. We are going to a black-tie party, and finding the black tie was the easy part. Jesse quickly snagged a handsome tuxedo. I, however, in a quest for rapid westward expansion, spill out of all my formal dresses. I already have a closet full of evening dresses- thanks Chi Omega! And most of these dresses a tiny, black, and inappropriate for a pregnant lady to wear. I thought the Internet would be my best option. Sadly, ever thing either cost an arm and a uterus, or the dresses where as whack as the above sample.
I felt like Casey, ready to strike out, ready to pack my sweat suit and flip flops for the big party. I felt this way until I went shopping with my good luck charm and best friend, MK. We found an amazing black dress for $25. Thank goodness my feet aren't knocked up, too, because I still have 100 pairs of snazzy heels. Mystery solved. Case closed. I will post pictures from our trip when we return. Jesse and I clean up pretty well. I am excited to show my black-tie baby bump!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Treats for Two

My wonderful neighbor Joan gave us two delicious pastries from France yesterday. Joan is an international flight attendant. She visits amazing places for weeks at a time. Very glamorous. Joan is also the nicest neighbor anyone could hope for! She flagged me down yesterday to give me the treats. Since there were two treats, I assumed one was for me and one was for Jesse. My plans changed after I ate the first pastry. Its surprising chocolate insides told me that the second treat was actually for the baby. Furthermore, the baby wanted its treat immediately following the consumption of my treat. I have my marching orders.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Babies for only $25! Going fast!

By this I mean, that thanks to my amazing state health care coverage, all we is $25.00! One regular co-pay! I know the expensive part comes after birth- like college, speeding tickets, attorney's fees, one way ticket to Tijuana. . .but the birth part is a steal. I've bought more expensive DVDs. I got the final quote today from my doctor's office. Apparently, the state draws up a fee contract. And wow- they are might generous.
Okay- so we had an OB appointment today. After some uncomfortable uterine maneuvering, we were able to hear to heart beat with the use of a Doppler. Doppler makes me think of News Channel 10's Weather Doppler. I kept half-expecting Dr. Buchanan to give me tomorrow's forecast: 100% chance of baby, and 60% chance of early morning fog.
We've got another 6 weeks to go before the next ultrasound. Jesse and I are now wavering on whether we want to know the baby's sex. Before this past weekend, we were totally set on finding out the sex. However, we have heard from so many people saying we should let it be a surprise. I guess peer pressure still works in your 20's and 30's. Whatever the stork brings will leave us feeling happy and blessed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

brain m.i.a.

Honestly, I had to return to my room 5 times today before I was able to leave school. Twice I had gotten all the way outside, which is the opposite end from my office. The teacher next door got the biggest kick out of watching me stomp back in multiple times. My huffing must have sounded ridiculous. Where has my brain gone, and why didn't it leave a forwarding number?

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Rajah is spared the knife!

It's a miracle. Rajah was scheduled for surgery today. However, the vet said the troublesome spot on his hip has fully healed. All that remains is a tiny scab. It would have been a minor procedure, with local anesthesia and a sedative. It would also have set us back about $400. Amazingly, Rajah has been spared! This dog out dates Jesse; he's my old college roommate. I love him like a best friend, who occasionally pees on my floor. We've all had friends like that:). As I typed that last night, Raj just cruised in, licked my elbow, and took off the patrol the kitchen and hassle his little sister, Liloo. Though $400 is a large sum, I would have gladly paid it to ensure his health. This dog is a soul mate! I doubt he even realizes he is a dog. He's quite excited about becoming a fur uncle. He is fascinated with my growing belly, or maybe it's the perpetual layer of crumbs that rests on it that has his full attention. Can you blame him?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another Lifted Fruit-Size Analogy

According to _The Pregnancy Countdown Book_, our baby is the size of a lemon! "Your baby is the length of a lemon (3 inches), and he weighs about 3/4 ounce. . .His eyes- currently on the sides of his head- will begin moving to the front. This is the start of your baby's face. By the end of this week, his ears will move to the proper spots. His tiny and unique fingerprints are now in place." What a great book, thanks Mom! As for the he's and him's, we still don't know what team the new Thomas will play on. We have an appointment this Thursday. I think we still have a few weeks to go until that mystery is solved.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

wives' tales

We went to a dinner party last night, and I heard from several folks that because I am not really experiencing morning sickness, I must be carrying a boy. If we were expecting a girl, I should be barfing my brains out. Interesting.
Whatever is going on down below, I have to say he/she has treated me pretty well. I will keep that in mind when we have to set curfew and allowance rates.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

hooray for husbands!

I had a really difficult day at work today, which has followed a long string of crummy days. Things have been so chaotic! When I got home, I was so zoned out I sat in my car, with the door open, staring off into space for five minutes. And then the dark clouds lifted, my knight in a shining Toyota arrived. Jesse knew how stressed I've been feeling, and he arrived armed and amorous. He greeted me with a dozen pink roses and news that he would be cooking a delicious dinner. At this point, I broke into tears. We has excellent timing. He is my moment of Zen for the day.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

OD'd on PA

(The culprit, citric acid)
Not Pennsylvania. . .but pineapple. I ate so much pineapple yesterday I thought I'd meet my fruity maker this morning. I OD'd on pineapple. I bought quartz of fresh cut pineapple from Ukrop's- an expensive splurge- thinking that it would last me all week at school. But noooo (think Bill Murray saying that), I ate the entire container in 20 minutes before my night class. With each bite, my brain sent an alarm warning against the extreme influx of acid. My tongue kept yelling, "nature's candy! nature's candy!" The tongue won. I paid the price all last night and several times this morning. And have I learned my lesson? Nope, I'm swigging some golden grapefruit juice as I type. I have always loved sour fruits, but this is getting out of hand. I literally add lemon and/or lime juice to every beverage, except my current juice glass. Is this a normal craving? Are there normal cravings?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Fun Preggers Facts

The gestational period for a giraffe is 425 days.
The gestational period for an elephant is 640 days.
Don't ever let me complain!

Fluttering Tummy

I feel the most unusual sensations in my lower abdomen. Like little spasms that happen several times a day. . .I don't know if this is all in my mind, but I feel a presence. So we are 12 weeks along, and I think it's too soon to feel fetal movement. But I am feeling something new! Like right now. Maybe somebody below likes the frozen strawberry bar I ate 30 minutes ago.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pregnancy Perks #3

I have nails! Strong nails. Before the pregnancy, my fingernails would so easily flake off. I'd lose a layer every time I washed dishes. However, this lifestyle change has really strengthened my fingertips. I might even grow them a bit longer, which is not my style. Even my hair is working overtime. I had it cut pretty short in July, and it's already to my shoulders again. It's like I am going through puberty all over again; except this time I have a really cute boyfriend (played by my husband) and we're going to have a baby. That's a big change from my middle school experience. The mood swings/roller coasters, the occasional zit, the increase in top-heaviness are all there. Wait, this is supposed to be a perk. Right, my nails are looking nice.

Friday, September 7, 2007


I made it to my first Friday of the school year. How sweet it is! I could never have imagined how hectic this week turned out to be. On a scale of one to ten, I had a week of eleven, Spinal Tap turn it up to eleven type of crazy! I am receiving so much encouragement and support at work, and even an adorable care package came my way. I had an epiphany. My need to control everything at work is linked to my perfectionism from childhood. It's amazing how strong of a grip that type of thinking still has on me. Toward the end of the week, I realized I had to let my anxiety go- no for my sake, but for our sake. I realized I was not enjoying my job, not hanging out with my students. . .and that's why I do what I do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Let there be chicken!

The day Holy Spirit made chicken, especially the twelve minutes it took to conceive chicken salad, is the happiest day of my non-life. The New Thomas is a Gonzo, a certifiable chicken hawk. I had a pretty rough day at work. And in my darkest moments, a voice from beyond and below began to whisper . . . chicken soft tacos. At first, I thought my stomach and my brain had joined a career switchers program. But no! The tummy is no longer calling any shots. The New Thomas must have a direct-line to my brain. When things flared up at work, the kid said chill out and dream of the chicken soft tacos you'll be making for dinner tonight. Lo and behold, I made it through my day. Now, I am waiting on Jesse to get home and enjoy some chicken soft tacos. I already feel so much better. However, I do not want "chicken soft tacos" to become my Zen mantra. If so, I am headed back to the spiritual drawing board. Though the tacos, and mostly their preparation, have brought me solace, I wish I have a better method of centering myself.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

In the zone

Work has sucked my soul in using its giant tractor beam. No loose ends can I leave behind. All i's must be dotted. All t's must be crossed. I am not walking out of the school house before 5 o'clock every day! The scary part is that I arrive before 7 am. What effect will the workload have on the new Thomas? I haven't been able to workout in over a week. The nature of my job keeps me running rabid. I know my stress levels are too high. Honestly, I wish there was an easier way to start a school year. Sadly, I have so many reports to check and make and file and copy and deliver and redeliver and mail and pack in book bags and on and on and on. . .my poor baby will develop an allergy to Microsoft Word before I reach the 3rd trimester. I am second-guessing my career choice due to all the unnecessary stress. Granted, I am a type-A Weigel all the way. Perhaps I need to flee in the opposite direction of my current situation. I see it now, a career selling maps of celebrities' homes. I, sir, need to be a fish monger. Or, more plausibly, take a chill pill. An organic, free-range, FDA and OB-GYN approved chill pill.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Stuck in a gut

I think morning sickness has arrived. I know that my queasiness could me much worse, but I am still uncomfortable. I can't have any tight clothing on. My gut must be allowed to bust at an uncontrolled rate, unfettered by traditional waistbands. Thank God for yoga clothing. If anybody has suggestions for battling sour stomachs, please pass them on. I am already hip to saltines, peanut butter, ginger, and Gatorade. Sadly, these tools aren't making the nasties stay at bay.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

3 Day Weekend Ahoy!

I need this extra day! I need an extra day of fun with Jesse. I need time to wash my new maternity clothing for school. I need to stay up late and eat frozen fruit. I need to write thank you notes for some excellent goodies! I need to finish this blog so I can go play tennis! Today has been 100% beautiful. I need to go breathe some more fresh air. I love three day weekends. Keep voting. It's looking like the force might win.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Visual Learner

Neither ultrasound is NOT mine. However, I thought it would be a nice supplement to saying I am 11 weeks along. Technology is amazing. Simply superimpose a Grateful Dead t-shirt and a pair of Birkenstocks on to the non-Thomas embryo, and then you've got the New Thomas! (S)he's taken after Jesse!