Saturday, September 8, 2007

Pregnancy Perks #3

I have nails! Strong nails. Before the pregnancy, my fingernails would so easily flake off. I'd lose a layer every time I washed dishes. However, this lifestyle change has really strengthened my fingertips. I might even grow them a bit longer, which is not my style. Even my hair is working overtime. I had it cut pretty short in July, and it's already to my shoulders again. It's like I am going through puberty all over again; except this time I have a really cute boyfriend (played by my husband) and we're going to have a baby. That's a big change from my middle school experience. The mood swings/roller coasters, the occasional zit, the increase in top-heaviness are all there. Wait, this is supposed to be a perk. Right, my nails are looking nice.

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