Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heartburn Blues

I have heartburn for all of the following reasons:

1. I ate an entire quart of strawberries an hour ago. They tasted like summer!
1 1/2. The strawberries are not sitting well with my system.
2. The baby is hopping up and down- non-stop. He is very hyper this evening.
3. I am very stressed, and this causes my belly to ache.
4. The only comfortable position I can currently find is lying down- which causes more acid reflux.
5. Did I mention I am stressed?

The glories of stress: never-ending requirements from work, the realization that this baby is coming out very soon, my continual attempts to "let things go" are not working, our last Lamaze class is tomorrow and I do not feel classically conditioned yet, I want to eat 400 gallons of ice cream but my pants won't let me, and I just wish that my brain could relax- but I is in overdrive. I know that this is a truly happy and blessed time, but I have some serious anxiety to deal with. I don't want my worries to cloud this experience. I am too bummed out for a Saturday night!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ticker Revised

I think I've fixed the ticker. 28 days to go- not much at all. I was at a conference today, and between the slide presentations I counted my "faux" contractions. Maybe I was willing the contractions to occur because I wanted to go back to sleep. On the bright side, it was an interesting conference with really great food! Now I can take a nap.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Ignore the Ticker

Sorry folks- but the pregnancy ticker on screen right is not correct. Dr. Keller said I am due on March 20th. Only 4 weeks and 2 days to go! I've been telling everybody that the big day was March 28th. I have scheduled my long-term substitute around this date; I have filed my HR paperwork around this date. Aside from my mild disappointment of having to do more paperwork, I am elated that I going to meet our son sooner than previously expected. Of course, our little man will arrive when he decides to, and if he is like his parents, he will be late. We are always late for every function. Granted, that mean he can only be 30 minutes late, if his lateness is genetically predisposed. I guess he will be here in 4 weeks, 2 days, and half an hour.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Lamaz- Round Two

Okay- The Terrible Thomas Twosome was much better behaved last night; thanks in part to the fear factor of delivery- squatting delivery to be exact! We started the class of giggly as usual. However, our mood took a serious Buddy Holly nosedive when we had to watch a video on the mythic and famous squatting birth technique of Brazil. The film's grainy 1970's footage only added to horror element. Think original _Texas Chainsaw Massacre_ meets _Our Bodies, Ourselves_ for coffee at an empty Dunkin Doughnuts. Furthermore, our teacher kept cracking bad hair jokes about the mothers, and they did have HUGE hair. I felt bad for the mothers. Brazil is pretty humid, and they probably didn't have well-developed anti-Frizz technology available in the Rain Forest back then. But poofy hair aside, the film's director made major overuse of the extreme close-up. There were a couple of scenes where I thought Jesse would pass out. In all honesty, I averted my eyes several times as those Brazilian babies shot out of their mommies at Mach 3. This film reminded me of the gory driver's ed films of yore- you know, Blood on the Highway, Highway Dieway, Teens + Tires = Terror, If She had Only Worn her Seatbeat. . ., Red Alsphalt Extravaganza! As the film ended, I was ready to renew my brith control perscription. This film is what ALL parents should show their frsiky teen daughters. I promise that those girls will opt to wear sweat pants and butts a la Ben & Jerry's on prom night!

I found an on-line review of the film I'd like to share with you. "Birth in the Squatting Position The women are upright and their privacy is so protected that after the birth, they are undisturbed as they gaze at their newborn. The experience is theirs and it is us who are left wondering "How have we strayed so far away from birth as it once was?" The 10 minute film from Brazil is so powerful that the images will be imprinted in your memory forever." ( Yes, the last line is especially true...imprinted in your memory forever and ever and ever and ever!

Friday, February 15, 2008

My Marathon Man

Jesse is working himself into a fever pitch getting the nursry ready for our little man. As I sit comfortably at this computer, he is installing cool recessed lighting fixtures in the room. This is going to be one mod baby pad. He also booked this Saturday and Sunday as trimming and painting days, while leaving 7 to 9pm free for Lamaz. (That is a whole other hilarious story!) Typically, I frown up his late night tinkerings, but it looks like Daddy has caught baby fever. Nothing like realizing you will have a new roomate in about 5 weeks to inspire you. The transformation from Dude to Dad has been amazing. I'd like to think I helped with the bonding by encouraging Jesse to talk to the belly. What's amazing is that he will refer to our little man by name, and the little man will wiggle in response. That always blows my mind. Even when Jesse refers to him as "Little Buddy", which he does quite frequently, "Little Buddy" responds playfuly by jamming his head into my bladder or kicking my ribs. It's all fun and games until Mama gets hurt!

As for Lamaz, I don't think we are mature enough for the class. We giggled through the entire two hour course. During the serious partner massage portion, Jesse kept putting his fingers in my nose and ears. Once, I snorted in response. Watching the instructor demonstrate the massage techniques on the fetus doll made us both wheeze. The icing on the cake is that we are only one of 4 other couples. There is absolutely no way we went under the radar, especially when Jesse did his Darth Vadar voice while I was practicing my breathing. I hope we represent our families a better this Sunday, unless I hear that they goofed off during Lamaz, too. An interesting footnote, Lamaz is based on Pavlovian classical conditioning. Our instructor didn't smile when I asked her if I should salivate before or after the bell. However, I am more keen on Lamaz since it will make me a stronger, more Soviet lady than before. This Sunday I plan on marching in to class and announcing, "I am doing this for the Motherland!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ikea is super swede!

Here are some of our goodies. Just kidding about the HAL.

Ikea! Youkea! We all Kea for Ikea!

Jesse and I spent 5 hours in the Ikea superstore in Woodbrige, VA. And in this massive thunderdome of exquisitve modern and streamline furiture, we outfitted Miles' entire room. What's even more exciting is that we did this for a fraction of the cost that we originally anticipated. Ikea trumped Babies 'R' Us in two spectacular ways- style and budget. (However, driving to Newport News would have been a bit more relaxing than braving the pseudo-D.C. traffic.) Plus, Ikea has a tasty cafeteria, which we hit up twice during out stint. Jesse noshed on meatballs; I opted for the greek salad. Our second snack break called for cinnamon rolls and cake. We are Ikea converts- our heads have been sprinkled with the sweet Swedish drops of interior enlightenment.