Friday, February 15, 2008

My Marathon Man

Jesse is working himself into a fever pitch getting the nursry ready for our little man. As I sit comfortably at this computer, he is installing cool recessed lighting fixtures in the room. This is going to be one mod baby pad. He also booked this Saturday and Sunday as trimming and painting days, while leaving 7 to 9pm free for Lamaz. (That is a whole other hilarious story!) Typically, I frown up his late night tinkerings, but it looks like Daddy has caught baby fever. Nothing like realizing you will have a new roomate in about 5 weeks to inspire you. The transformation from Dude to Dad has been amazing. I'd like to think I helped with the bonding by encouraging Jesse to talk to the belly. What's amazing is that he will refer to our little man by name, and the little man will wiggle in response. That always blows my mind. Even when Jesse refers to him as "Little Buddy", which he does quite frequently, "Little Buddy" responds playfuly by jamming his head into my bladder or kicking my ribs. It's all fun and games until Mama gets hurt!

As for Lamaz, I don't think we are mature enough for the class. We giggled through the entire two hour course. During the serious partner massage portion, Jesse kept putting his fingers in my nose and ears. Once, I snorted in response. Watching the instructor demonstrate the massage techniques on the fetus doll made us both wheeze. The icing on the cake is that we are only one of 4 other couples. There is absolutely no way we went under the radar, especially when Jesse did his Darth Vadar voice while I was practicing my breathing. I hope we represent our families a better this Sunday, unless I hear that they goofed off during Lamaz, too. An interesting footnote, Lamaz is based on Pavlovian classical conditioning. Our instructor didn't smile when I asked her if I should salivate before or after the bell. However, I am more keen on Lamaz since it will make me a stronger, more Soviet lady than before. This Sunday I plan on marching in to class and announcing, "I am doing this for the Motherland!"

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