Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heartburn Blues

I have heartburn for all of the following reasons:

1. I ate an entire quart of strawberries an hour ago. They tasted like summer!
1 1/2. The strawberries are not sitting well with my system.
2. The baby is hopping up and down- non-stop. He is very hyper this evening.
3. I am very stressed, and this causes my belly to ache.
4. The only comfortable position I can currently find is lying down- which causes more acid reflux.
5. Did I mention I am stressed?

The glories of stress: never-ending requirements from work, the realization that this baby is coming out very soon, my continual attempts to "let things go" are not working, our last Lamaze class is tomorrow and I do not feel classically conditioned yet, I want to eat 400 gallons of ice cream but my pants won't let me, and I just wish that my brain could relax- but I is in overdrive. I know that this is a truly happy and blessed time, but I have some serious anxiety to deal with. I don't want my worries to cloud this experience. I am too bummed out for a Saturday night!

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