We are in the process is setting up an appointment with the Kennedy Krieger Institute. I sent back to biggest pre-appointment-packet-ever this morning. If you know me, then you know I love a good forming filling out session. But seriously, it took me three sitting last night to complete all of the questions. Note, I am not whining; in fact, I love it. If we are going to commit to spending a few days and quite a few dollars on this venture, I want the biggest bang for my buck. I am not a fan of getting back half-assed medical summaries, chock full of the information (a) I already know and/or (b) I reported in the first place.
This is why I feel making this journey will be valuable. Not only will we have an opportunity to have some new assessments done (we're thinking a neurological exam is about due), we will get our first non-system (early childhood intervention program) testing done. I am eager to see how the results stack up to one another. However, it won't be a true comparison since Miles' hasn't had a full eval in about a year.
Also, I want to know how his medical progress is coming along, specifically from a clinic that specializes solely in Ds. While I love our local pediatricians, I want feedback from a practice whose stock and trade is trisomy 21. If you recall, we had a less than fulfilling visit with our quasi-local developmental doc. In fact, it was a big waste of time. (And we never got a summary report; don't think I have forgotten that nugget.) Anywhoo... I am really hoping that we get some good input on kiddo and his progress.
In other medical news: March is when the kids see our cardiologist for a follow-up (Miles) and initial screening (Penelope). We are also going to have his AAI x-ray completed, along with his annual thyroid screening. For the past two years, his thyroid test has come back with good results- not great, seeing that the levels are elevated enough to warrant observation, but good enough not to need treatment.
Back to Kennedy Krieger for a sec- I think it would be quite fun to schedule in a little fun time while in Baltimore, for nostalgia's sake. When I was a heck of a lot younger, my fam made a fun trip to the inner harbor area, and I know Miles will get the biggest kick out of the aquarium and all of the huge ships. Hopefully, not too much has changed. This could be a silver lining to the whole experience (and a fun way to celebrate turning 31, ugh!).