Wednesday, January 19, 2011

FAQ: the Penelope Edition

True to form, I have many questions constantly swirling around in my brain- like a whirlpool of quasi-facts and speculations looking to scarf down one Katherine Hepburn. So the FAQ's are for me... this is what is on the front burner.

During our two week infant check-up (last Monday), I asked out pediatrician if she saw any signs of Down syndrome in Penelope. Not that I suspect her of having Ds, it's just that we are entering some temporally familiar territory, and I wanted to give the doc a chance to share any concerns sooner than later. I even premised my questions with a smart smile, a quip about not wanting any later surprises, etc., etc., all the while holding my breath. I shared with her that we didn't see anything of concern, yet. I did note that Penelope has a unilateral (one hand) palmar crease- but that was the only marker I could detect. After a close examination, doc said we have nothing to worry about. Regardless, I asked if we should go ahead and have a karyotype done- to this the doc also said no- everything looks fine. For the most part, I have let it go, but with her two month check-up looming in the near future, I can't help but fight off some lead-hearted flashbacks. Those three year old memories still sting my heart, as do the tears that occasionally sneak up when I re-read his diagnosis post.

Good initial reports aside... we are going to have Penelope seen by the cardiologist during Miles' upcoming annual check-up. Since his heart defect was so difficult to detect, we all agreed (doc included) that this screening would be a good idea. On a side note, Miles' appointment is starting to weigh on my mind, too. This could be the time when we learn that he's headed into the cath lab for some follow-up work. There is a chance that the webbing has returned, and that a cath will be needed to correct the stenosis. Granted, this was only speculation at his last appointment- so I am only worrying about the unknown at this juncture. I will update when I know more. Additionally, I will try not to worry about this event (and other stressful nuggets) which is out of my control. (If I had a dollar for each time I've stated this...)

Deep breath. Moving on.

Okay, now it's time for my less serious and relatively inappropriate questions:

1. Why does her poop smell like movie theater popcorn? Seriously, it does- and not in a good way. Chances are that I will never order it again. Stronger chances of me not making it to a movie in the next 5 years. The correlating color of said poop doesn't help the comparison.

2. Does my left boob taste better than my right boob? She certainly seems to act that way. Perhaps the left boob has movie theater buttery goodness hiding inside. That would explain number one.

3. What's up with all of the giggling during sleep? Okay- it is the cutest thing EVER, but I want to see her giggle while she's awake. I want to know what is so funny because I could really go for a good laugh right about now.

4. Does she accept bribes? At this point, I am willing to buy her a pony if she's willing to sleep more at night and less during the day. A pony. With ribbons and sparkles and glitter and a princessy name to boot.

5. How can I make bath a more enjoyable experience? She treats bathing like an excursion into water-boarding territory. I use my most soothing vocal tones, warm waters, and California Baby products (which even mellow me out just being in their proximity). Bathing, especially with bubbles and stack of tabloids, is a girl's best friend. Maybe we need a subscription to OK! and Look!.

I'm off to run a bath using the under-appreciated California Baby Soothing Wash and collect a stack of magazines. What I am lacking in tabloids I will be replacing with Ready Made and Better Homes & Gardens. Though the impact may not be the same, I am sure my tired body will appreciate the effort. Sigh.

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