Sunday, December 12, 2010

Still Truckin'

Whew! No baby Penelope yet, but my body keeps acting like it wants to have this baby, now. Since Thursday, contractions have been happening all day long- just not in long enough spells to call in the OBs. My back is having spasms, and this morning I woke up to some new lower back cramps. On Thursday, I learned that Penelope's head couldn't get any lower, so I am guessing the pressure of her position is taking its toll. So if I make it to work tomorrow, I will need to will willing students to navigate me about in a wheelbarrow. Sounds like an extra credit opportunity to me!

I'm going out on a limb to stay that her arrival is still a ways off because, as of this weekend, we are prepared for her grand entrance. Bags have been packed, crib set up, tiny pink clothes laundered... while her nursery is still only in the planning phases- we have converted our room (again) into baby central. It's actually quite adorable in there. Yesterday, we let Miles check out the new layout. He instantly walked over to the new crib and said, "Shhhhhhh!" Too cute.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I can't tell you how amazing it feels to know that we are not in this alone. Frankly, since starting this blog (over 600 posts ago!!!), I have been loving the sense of community and support it brings. And I love, love, love sharing how amazing Miles is to anyone and everyone. In a matter of days, a new tiny Thomas will be joining our cast of cute crazies- which still blows my mind! Stay tuned for updated! : )


MK's Mom said...

Love it....Penelope's new nickname could be T-T (Tiny Thomas) instead of Pizza-Pizza!

Lanaux said...

Merry Christmas, all! Anna, I am planning to come to your burg around the 7th. Will Penelope be in town by then?????