Not to be a whiner, but this preggo go-around is much more difficult than my last trip down stretchy pants lane.
All pregnancy symptoms, or at least the most common, have shown up in full effect. My belly is bigger, and there's a purple Harry Potter lightning bolt which has newly arrived. I've got heart burn for days- I am starting to make me think that I have discovered a new alternative energy source. Move over geothermal, we've got Anna Air!
I think the most vexing of developments is in the emotional department. The constant battle is keeping an even keel. Tearing up takes no effort on my part. If we're Facebook friends, then you already know that ABBA's "Dancing Queen" reduced me to a sniveling pile just days ago. Seriously, ABBA. I'm also feisty and quick with the temper- it might be related, but my face is now a constant shade of pink. Not entirely unbecoming- but feeling like I standing in front of a whistling kettle day in and day out is getting old.
Sleep is rockier than ever before because the wee one is overactive, especially in those twilight hours. I'm stress, sore, and ready for a magical spa weekend, where glittery unicorns usher me around to wading pools of white chocolate and marshmallow king sized beds- and I would leave my cell phone and laptop at home.
p.s. In writing this post, I've gone from mad to happy back to mad and now sleepy and white flag waving. Wait, I want some ice cream. Does ice cream constitute as an emotions- because that is all I am feeling right now. Maybe some tangerines, too. Sigh.