Monday, June 22, 2009

Tickling the ivories and flipping the pages

At first, I wanted to call this video, "Afternoon Delight." However, despite what the title suggests, that is one skanky song. There is nothing tawdry about Miles' performance- maybe a touch burlesque, but that's only because he isn't wearing any pants.

I am loving my time home. I'm still counting this as "summer vacation" and not "mad job/ grad school scramble time." I taught all year; don't I deserve a few days in the sun? Luckily, teething and a first-ever ear infection hasn't dampened our adventurous spirit. Today, we watched either CIA or secret service men run a training operation in the downtown square. Who were they kidding? Even Miles knew they weren't tourons when they started talking into their shirt collars. Tomorrow, we check out a visiting Tiffany glass exhibit at the college's art museum. Hopefully, no binkies will fly, and I won't have to plunk down for a chipped lamp.

And when I am not lost in baby-land, I am glued to a new-to-me book series, the Sookie Stackhouse stories by Charlaine Harris. I'm averaging a book every day and a half. Talk about afternoon delight- this stuff makes my blush, and I loooooooove it. Might even talk the hubs into getting HBO so I can watch the corresponding TV series. I first heard about the books last week on "Fresh Air." Once again, Terry Gross has made my world just a little bit better. She needs to be ear-marked for sainthood.

At :48 seconds, you'll notice that Miles slides into a quick reference of "Chop Sticks." His playing style is totally explained by the fact he is wearing a Phish t-shirt. 'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

A budding virtuoso! Next week it's Oprah. Love it!

Amber Turner said...

I LOVE how he's testing out what each one does, using different fingers, whole hands...fantastic! He's having too much fun! I wanna come play, too!! haha!