Thursday, August 21, 2008

Important Link- Please Read!

All of the recent debate regarding the new film "Tropic Thunder" has given birth to some very interesting dialogue. Many, including myself, feel that Ben Stiller has just gone too far this time. By far, the most sincere and insight reflection I have read was written by John Franklin Stephens, a young man with Down Syndrome. His focus is on the power of semantics- how hurtful words isolate and alienate people. Stephens is a public speaker and global representative for the Special Olympics. His take is quite unique and not quite what you expect. Several people mentioned this article to me, and my dad brought a copy this morning. It ran in Sunday's Richmond Times-Dispatch. I've added a link to the article on the left-hand side of this page. Please read his very insightful and heart-felt words. Stephens is a true ambassador.


Amber Turner said...

That article is so beautifully written...I just don't know what else to say. He puts it all so perfectly. I have an uncle who functions at about an "age 7 or 8 year old" level. He has CP, is legally blind (what you and I see, he sees 2 football fields away and is completely blind in one eye), has epilepsy, etc....I am so glad something like this has been written and kudos to you for posting the link! Just as Stephens is a true ambassador and spokes person, you are the same for Miles...keep up the good work Super Mom!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to try this again...I was on paragraph 2 of writing of those mysterious computer gremlins took control of the machine and the keyboard... and POOF...the writing was gone! OK...back to the topic at hand. The article was very interesting. Thanks for the link!
If truth be known...most of us have felt very isolated at times in our lives. Be it in our teen years as we search for the group where we fit...some of us are still searching for that...when we are the new kid on the block (or new adult on the job)...when we become involved in a conversational topic and realize there's no way we can keep up with the knowledge others have...or just on a day when we aren't really 'with it'! For most of us though, we eventually find our niche or can jump in on a conversation that is more our speed. But for some, those moments of belonging are few and far between. I know you are going to be like a momma bear when you fight for everything Miles is entitled to. Not in a bad way...just ready to take a swipe at someone who comes near your cub with danger in their eyes. Go Momma!

I had missed a couple of days reading the blog and had 3 of your entries to read! Photographs
included! What wonderful parents Miles has to see him through his life's journey!

It was great to see you at school today...but I could see the tears wanting to trickle over at times. Miles and Daddy will enjoy that bonding time...and mom will survive also!
