Friday, July 27, 2007

Budding Beauty

I highly recommend the book, The Pregnancy Countdown Book, to all expectant families. My mother got us this book, and I can't put it down. It gives a day by day account of all the changes that are going on with me and the new Thomas. According to this book, our baby is 1/4 inch (6mm) long. Dark spots have appeared where the eyes and nostrils will form. The arms and legs are tiny little buds. By the end of the week, the heart will beat with regular rhythm. No wonder I am flat tired. I feel like a deflated bike tire. Our dogs have taken the cue that I am now queen of the naps, and they insist on sleeping with whenever possible. As I am typing this, Rajah is on my feet and Liloo is just off to the side. Both are passed out; they've had a long day of sleeping. I think they know something is changing with me, as if they have become more protective. We think they'll handle the transition well. Both have always been friendly with children, especially Rajah. I think he thinks they taste good; he likes the crumbs on their clothes.

I mentioned in a previous post that my sense of smell is heightened. Turns out my sense of hearing has gone off the charts, too. I need to bust out my old Wonder Woman costume and rescue stranded kittens from trees. Just yesterday, Rajah and I were walking around a lake, and I heard the sound of rushing water. I stopped and checked the area. Turns out there was a nest of ground bees a click (OK, not a click but far off) up the path. I could barely see them, but the sound was overwhelming. It will be interesting to see if any new skills emerge. Maybe I'll be able to add train car numbers as they pass, balance my check book without being forced to, and cook a decent non-toxic meal. Then again, I don't want to push my luck.

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