Friday, May 13, 2011

A mini-post from my mini-keyboard

So I am crafting this from my phone, on a very difficult night, under stressful (though not critical) times. Hardships are abound because Miles is sick- fighting bronchitis. And Jesse and I are dealing with four and a half months on new parent exhaustion. While Penelope is doing beautifully with sleeping at night, it's still not enough to replenish our adult tanks. I'm so exhausted these days I've started seeing spots, literally. I also looked like I've aged another 10 years overnight. Guess that pregnancy glow wears off fast- you get stuck looking like a pasty, puffy zombie in desperate need of a salon visit. I've got more roots than a rainforest and my eyes are rivaling that black and grey critter that forages nightly in our trashcans. Ugh.

Enough of the moaning- I'm starting to feel worse just typing this out. Alright, some positive notes... Penelope is developing beautifully. She adores Miles; he is her sun and moon. Miles, in turn, has grown quite attached to the wee one. He constantly asks for her when they are apart. It's enough to melt your heart, even a sleep deprived and zombified heart. The love they have for each, though just beginning to blossom, keeps me going longer than the largest size of java Starbucks can muster. A venti sized serving of my kids awesomeness is what's fueling me tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Miles and Poppy have awesome parents!