Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gripe, gripe, gripe

Yes, we have resorted to Gripe Water. Nights are getting longer and more stressful. I am desperately hoping this homeopathic route will give the little ladybug some relief. If not, we are on to an elimination diet (for me) and a trip to the doctor (for her). Last night, during a brief but intense crying jag, I relayed to youngster that sleep deprivation helps no one. I could swear I saw her roll her eyes ever so briefly.

Have I mentioned how tired I am these days? So very tired. In fact, I've napped the past two days without choice- meaning that my brain officially shuts off around 3 pm. Thankfully, those 45 minutes of power snoozing are making the early evenings more tolerable. However, one look at my face reveals the fact that I the far from rested. Caught my reflect earlier, would have sworn there was an errant geographical feature resting under my eyes. Sadly, those are just my bags steadily creeping toward my mouth. Perhaps they are headed in that region in an attempts to engage Penelope in some negotiations. Good luck with that.

My tank is near empty. Praise Jesus for maternity leave... because this is the only thing I can handle right now. Motherhood is more than a lifestyle; it's a livesstyle.

1 comment:

Kit said...

Try tossing the eggs and milk for a week. See if it makes a difference for both of you.