Friday, December 17, 2010

Frequent Flier MIles- Early Labor Update

So... at lot has been going on in the Penelope-Arrival department. On Wednesday, I thought labor had started during my Pre-Algebra block. Fearing my water might wash out a riveting unit on sale tax and its many exciting applications, I booked it over to the OB's office. Found out that I had dilated a centimeter. Not such a big deal for most folks, but in my case it instantly reminded me of Miles' delivery. When I was admitted with him, I had only dilated a centimeter as well. Regardless, contractions continued off and on until my regularly scheduled OB appointment Thursday.

I learned at this visit that my cervix is now at three centimeters. Hello Dolly! Now we are cooking with gas, right? So I thought. In fact, after an hour of solid contractions last night, Jesse and I made our (first) run to the maternity ward- but it was just a test run. My contractions were only 5 minutes apart, and my cervix was still at 3 centimeters. I thought for sure that these were the real deal because they hurt, like enough to keep my trap shut for a solid 40 seconds. Anyways, we clearly still have a long haul to go, so we opted to return home. I am glad we did because I was able to get some decent sleep.

Let's recap: In the past two days, I have had three pelvic exams. If I get another one in the next 24 hours, I am going to leave a guest book down there. At least we now know that Early Labor (according to the books) has basically reached its limit- now we just wait, patiently and calmly, for active labor to sneak up and smack me on the back. Could be today, tomorrow, or two weeks from now. Oh, joy. Regardless- Penelope looked great on the monitor last night, very active and happy- and that is what matters most.

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