Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Big Boy

Miles officially made it through his first day of Pre-K with no tears yesterday. HUGE accomplishment! The transition has been a bit rocky for him because the days are long (9:30 to 1:30- not including the big yellow bus rides), and he's going 4 days a week. Plus, his wingman Daddy isn't there for every whim and whimper. Luckily, he's in an amazing room, with great staff, and a buddy from his former playgroup. We've had chances to peep in on him, and we've seen him have a wonderful time. Hooray for school!!!

We knew we had turned a corner with school on Sunday- when Miles put on his pack-pack (little red backpack), stood by the front door, and continuously signed "school." He then went upstairs, with pack-pack on, and played for another 3o minutes or so. Man, he loves that backpack- must be magical. The fact that he's spontaneously asking for school (and willingly wearing pack-pack) is already a massive change. Maybe he's going to be a school fan like his mommy (who loves being in school, too)!

Little Man is growing up very quickly. Sigh.


Kit said...

Hooray for Miles!

MK's Mom said...

He looks like a little English schoolboy with his sweater, short pants and backpack! What a trooper...I know you are proud!