Monday, April 12, 2010

Just because I am thirty...

... doesn't mean I can't get a wicked, wicked zit. I've got a shiner on my right check bone so prominent, it now casts a shadow. I caught a glimpse of the sucker while running, in a car window reflection, and nearly tripped because I thought a bug had landed on my face. If this zit sticks around much longer, I will have to start coloring it like a ladybug, that way I will be springy-festive and concealing the fact that I face needs some painkillers. Ugh.

Any recommendations out there for good skin care products? My Aveno isn't cutting it, and I think it might be the culprit behind my recent break-outs. My budget isn't big enough for Clinique, which is where I would love to turn to. Especially for their uber-amazing under eye cream. Here's the lowdown: I have combination skin, but I need a daily moisturizer. The floor is open; please respond to my face's SOS if you've got any secrets.


MK's Mom said...

There's always Oil of Delay...since you are now 30!

Kit said...

Try brown paper and vinegar. Seriously. I'll tell you the story later.