Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eggs, eggs, eggs!

Egg Hunting at First Presbyterian: Miles found a whopping five eggs! You'll notice his careful approach, as to not disturb the unsuspecting eggs. Once in his sight, he makes his approach. And the swoosh! The egg is tucked away into the frog pail. Just kidding. Miles was more interested in the blades of grass and the colorful dresses on his fellow hunters. Regardless, he did a great job and kept his Mr. Roger's sweater on the whole time. Score!

All of the egg hunters! Note the pint-sized serious bloke on the front row. He's my favorite!

I don't eat Easter candy; I prefer my fingers.
Mom and Grammy, shooting away!

1 comment:

MK's mom said...

I love the outfit! Mr. Rogers doesn't have anything on Miles.