Monday, February 15, 2010

Resting, resting, rested

Ahhh... another three day weekend. This time, no snow was involved. Thank you all Presidents present and past; thank you thinking that an extra day home with my adorable baby muffin is patriotic. I loved this weekend, luuuuuuv'd it.

Aside from all of the kisses and snuggling and Olympic games watching, there was some reality.
Didn't touch my school work until nap time today, but I crunched four hours of work into two. Planning for three grade levels and three different subject areas is really taking a toll. With our major testing (NCLB driven) rapidly approaching, I am losing sleep at night. The stress is ridiculous.

After I hammered out my weekly plans, I headed to the dentist. My mouth is still too sore to eat Chex; that's telling you something. Cleaning went well, that's until the floss appeared! Dun-dun-dun. My teeth are tight, super, super tight. I have to use specialty floss. Scout's honor. However, the hygienist didn't believe me, and she just powered through. Amazingly, my watering eyes and rupturing gums weren't clue enough. Oh- and I gave her a heads up before she started. Just like I posted on facebook... next time, I am establishing a "safe word" before the cleaning starts.

But school woes and achy gums aside, I am super rested right now. Two naps snagged over the weekend. Slept in late. It was much needed.

1 comment:

MK's Mom said...

Wow, you were lucky to still get the holiday...Hopewell thought it was best spent as a makeup day...all the little ones always want to know..When are we putting on the makeup? Glad you had some extra time with Miles.