Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Expanding my horizons

I'm now adding some of my nature goodies to Weather Underground. Click here to see my first posting. My mom had the suggestion, and I had the free time (snow day #2) to upload. Hopefully, I will keep this one up unlike Flicr, Twitter, Picnik...

Funny thing about Twitter- it's been so long since I last tweeted that I have completely forgotten my user id and log-in info. Even funnier, people (absolute strangers at this point) are still signing up to follow me. Ha! And I've got nothing to tweet about, in that I never got the point of following randomness. Don't get me wrong, I love a good blog, but I don't need micro-updates. That's just a little too much virtual reality on my plate. Clearly, I am lacking in cool points in the technology-age department, but I did ask the birthday genie to put my name on the iPad list.


ab said...

Oh my...the picture of the OBX sunrise was beautiful. Anna, you are an artist with words, pictures and life in general! Guess what... you have a third snow day tomorrow. I just checked...told you...old habits die hard! Enjoy

Anna said...

Hi Ann!! Yes, with all of this free time I get to spend more of my day updating the blog. How I miss it so... and you, too!

ab said...

Something told me to go back to the blog...a new video! Positively too cute. We have to get together before Mr. Miles is a teenager. YIKES!