Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Zombie Mama has returned.

The only thing light about me these days is my sleep. Omniscient is the best way to describe my "restful" states, in that I hear every squeak and creak the boy makes. Typically, I am exhausted from my middle schoolers enough to sleep 2/3 through the night. Sadly, last night was an exception.

Like my car, I will coasting to work on fumes. My tank is empty; I will be operating on 90 minutes of sleep. On the flip side, Miles should be well-rested. He needed snuggle time from both mommy and daddy. I was able to get him down for the count at 3:30 with extra blankies, soft music, a binkie and back pats. It took me another 30 minutes to unwind.

And then it happened...

My alarm goes off. I woke up half an hour ago and start the drip on my coffee IV. Now I am off to find some tape; seems like the best way to ensure that my eyes stay open.

Miles pulled another all nighter on Friday, kind of. He went down at 8 pm but was ready to boogie at 2 am- and he stayed up through breakfast. Jesse covered that stretch, so guess it is only fair that I am pooped today. Ahhh, the joys of parenthood.

1 comment:

datri said...

I feel for you, I really do. Kayla's back to her 3 - 4 AM wakings again. Including this morning, and then I had to drive her 2 hours in the snow to her ophthalmologist appt. Nervewracking when sleep deprived!