Wednesday, January 13, 2010

(Triple) Ugh!

1. Double ear infections**
2. Cold
3. Teething

We've got an unhappy camper on our hands.

**The pediatrician said not to use the antibiotic ear drops, that his canals are too small and too clogged. Well, fooey. That was the whole point of getting ear tubes, so that he wouldn't have to take so many oral antibiotics. The ENT is getting buzzed today, for we need some back-up advice. But yes, we started the oral meds as soon as we found out because little man is super crabby these days. I'm baffled; why get tubes if they don't make a difference? I knew that going in more infections were possible; it's just that seeing Miles in pain is getting really, really old.


MK's mom said...

I hope Little Man is feeling better!

ab said...

Hope he's feeling better. I still think you should officially become a writer...then you could stay home every day and spend time with your guy! You have the talent and he can provide the inspiration!

Just a thought!!!!