Monday, October 5, 2009

So many changes, so little time

Okay, I officially started a new job today. Back in the schools. Back in special education. Two weeks ago, this was sooooo not the plan. I was prepared to stay home with Miles, maybe work a few days a week at the public library.

Fate had other plans.

We were down to a week to find major medical insurance for the family, and prospects weren't looking good. In literally our final hour, I was offered a deal I couldn't refuse. To keep my family covered with amazing coverage- the same coverage that had us pay merely $200 out of pocket for Miles' open heart surgery.

As for staying home, Jesse will get that duty. I wish, strongly wish I could have been able to stay with Miles. However, to be the best parent I can be, I must venture out. I hope in the future Miles will know that my love manifested itself through action and time spent away. Sniff, sniff. I'm both relieved and sad right now. Why is making the right decision so painful at times? Being a big girl can be difficult.

More updates to follow when I have the time. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

ab said...

Just got back from a 2 1/2 week trip ...was so excited to see the input about NYC and the Buddy Walk. WOW, what's the new job.
