Friday, October 2, 2009

Signs of the time

Communication is booming in the Thomas household. I fully anticipate Miles to be asking for Grey Poupon with his hands within the hour. Seriously though, the sign language has taken off. It took 14 months of Jesse and me signing to Miles with nary a reply on the baby's behalf. Now he's a veritable fountain of hand flurries, all of which mean more than just frustration and dancing.

As for the "environmental" sound at the end of the clip (aka- what does a baby tiger say?), we are working on that. His speech therapist would prefer Miles mimicking our dogs, truck sounds, ducks, etc. However, a baby tiger is a first, and it is the only animal sound our son can currently make. Does that render our family a bit odd- that our son only imitates adolescent large cats? Not in any way, it makes us Vegas 'bound, baby! Wonder if they have a Buddy Walk...

1 comment:

Kit said...

Can't wait to get home so I can watch the new video!