Monday, September 28, 2009

Times Square squared- Friday

NYC's Finest and Friendliest. Here, our cops typically frown and write tickets. I'm jealous.
And I thought my wedding was unique...
The city that never sleeps can certainly host a good nap!
Like a glowing, pulsing ant farm
Walking back to the hotel
The ultimate game of Dodge Ball, except with taxi cabs and your life!
"So Big"
If only I could decorate my house like this. I totally would because I love trinkets and snow globes like it's my job.
Undercover NYC.
That would be the Toys 'R' Expensive store that Miles completely slept through.
The country mice have arrived to the big city.
We Heart New York, too.

1 comment:

datri said...

Sigh. I so miss The Big City. I used to work in Rockefeller Center and would walk through Times Square every day.