Friday, July 24, 2009

Do not adjust your TV set

This was shot in the dark, so you'll have to use your imagination and your ears. Let me set the scene: It's night three of the Snore War (my new moniker for Miles' latest sleep strike); Miles and fam are rolling down the Colonial Parkway at 10:15. The bags under the adults' eyes match the color of the footage. The source of said exhaustion is captured in the above video clip, and he's having a blast!

How did the night end? Face down in a bag of burritos. Jesse broke down and drove to Taco Bell after we completed the entire Parkway. Miles fell asleep mid-order during the border run. Luckily, the sound of Jesse's crunch wrap didn't stir the muchacho. By the way, I have this new theory. Miles is not teething; he's a vampire. Awake at night, biting mommy with precision and aim whenever the mood strikes him. He hates gluten-free garlic bread and braided silver chains. Yep, this looks like a case for Sookie Stackhouse. (I just finished (devoured) book 8, and I begging to get HBO.)

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