Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Help Wanted?

Know of any interesting careers out there that have medical benefits and reasonable time off?

I'm in the market for a change.  A change secured and started by September.  Just curious, desperately curious. 

Once I am officially through with school and my job there (as of June 17th), I will fill you in on all the "exciting" events of the past month.  Let's just say I've had a chance to do some "personal growth" and work on "maintaining a positive outlook."  Do these "air quotes" indicate my level of disappointment and frustration?  "Yep!"  You better believe that I am one stressed out "lady."

"Can't" "stop" "the" "air" quotes."  (I've heard they are "contagious.") 


I'm Jennifer said...

I imagine "moving to the UK" is not on your list of things to do this summer, but most full-time jobs give you around 5 or 6 weeks off a year right away. And there's the National Health System which is available to all...that is if "quality" health care isn't one of your priorities...

(those "air quotes" are contagious)

Anna said...

I remember you mentioning that the UK's healthcare system's reputation is actually better than the real thing. I never would have guessed; on paper it sounds great.