Friday, May 29, 2009

So much to say, not enough dadada's to cover it.

Pre-bath time jollies.  You may notice that my son can be quite loud.  Very, very loud.  


Amber Turner said...

Now that is hysterical!! He is a hoot!! Once he starts talking for real, ya'll aren't going to be able to stop him!! hahaha!! So funny and cute!!

I'm Jennifer said...

wow, what an incredible amount of personality bottled up in one little boy! i can't wait to experience his dadadada's in person!

ab said...

Oh, my gosh! He is such a sweetheart! You look eternally happy when you are with him. He is one blessed little boy,


Quinn said...

I absolutely love watching Miles grow and change in all of these posts and videos! Precious little guy with a huge personality.