Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A small slice of weird- my gift to you : )

This doesn't count as an official post, and I owe you many lovely updates- including the sweetest Mother's Day with little man and Dada.  However, I've got three minutes before I am officially late, so I will share a three minute story.

So, I've got this really cool iPod alarm clock, which is on strike.  It's hit or miss these days as to whether it will go off.  I'm chalking this problem up to operator error; perhaps the device is out of my approved coolness zone.  Strong possibility.

Anyways, the only reason I woke up only 20 minutes later is because I was dreaming that I was going into labor.  Real, things are moving and stretching labor.  Turns out I drank too much water at 2 am, and this was my body's way of getting me moving.  It worked!

And in true Anna Thomas dream fashion- it was chock full of weird details.  Apparently, I was out obscure magnet shopping, during which I found a magnet of a cheetah wearing John Travolta's white disco suit, when the pains struck.  At that point, my belly ballooned, and I rushed to the nearest Italian restaurant.  Seemed like a good place to have a baby.  This was a classy place- they tied the end of all the rolls of toilet paper into bows.  I think I had a conversation about this with my mother.  We decided that I should go to the hospital, that I wouldn't make it back home.  We were somewhere in central Florida- a very rural setting with only obscure magnets, an Italian restaurant, and a near-by hospital with dental chairs and not beds.  Whew!  

I'm now 4 minutes late, but I just had to share this dream with you.  And the cautionary tale here is... don't drink a bottle of water at two am unless you are using your bladder as a back-up alarm system.  If this is the case, then chug-a-lug and brace yourself for weird dreams.  

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