Friday, March 20, 2009

Yoo-hoo! Excitement in list format:

1. The first tooth is out, and it is beautiful.  The cutest darn tooth ever.  Honestly, I squealed when I saw that itty-bitty chomper.  I have never loved a tooth so much! 

2. Houston, we have sippy cup!  The Nuk brand, level 1, came through.  It's about 30/70 to get the soy milk in now- 30% of the time, he'll hold the cup.  The remaining 70% is left to the adult.  Luckily, it isn't heavy lifting.  He'll drink upwards of 3 to 4 ounces per meal.

3. Mommy advice rocks.  Ladies, thank you for reminding me that the pediatrician does not call all of the shots.  Cash reward for helping me design a brain chip that blocks out the word should; with it gone, my life would be so much better.

4. Miles' hair is starting to curl.  We are now using detangler with every bath, and what a difference it makes.  The front side of his hair still mirrors the banker-comb-over 'do.  While the back is looking more like frat boy wispy curls- you know, those flip curls they have from living in baseball hats year 'round.  Yet Miles' curls are honest; no white hats here.  Lord, I don't think the kid will ever wear a hat judging on how much he hates them now.

5. We've made a little progress with solid foods, though I have a hard time classify those meat sticks as food.  Miles has been introduced to turkey and chicken sticks- like Vienna sausages, equally as visually gross.  Removing a stick from the jar made me think of Hannibal Lecter.  A press-on nail was the only thing that link was missing, and then it could have come directly off of the set of Silence of the Lambs.  Regardless, Miles and the dogs dig 'em.  I just try to look away.

Side note: Miles is going to have the lab work done for the thyroid test today.  Wish him and his Dada, who will be holding him, luck.  Finding a vein is impossible; his arms a link sausages stuffed into baby concert t-shirts.  


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!on the new tooth. You better start saving for the tooth fairy visits.
Miles can really gnaw down on those gross chicken sticks....hotdogs can't be faraway!

Can't wait for a toothy grin photo!

Kit said...

Hooray for the tooth! Hooray for the parents who are surviving the teething process!