Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Mommy advice needed:

Teething and weening- the first topic is getting very trite.  Though repetitive as it is, we are not making much progress.  Some days have low grade fevers; every day produces drooling spells that would qualify as environmental disasters if only his chin were beach front property.  Last evening was all screams- at me, at the jar food, at diced real food, at the sippy cup, at real soy milk.  Respite came only with Motrin and 8 ounces of formula (a no-no) in a bottle (another no-no).  Seriously, how I am supposed to get him to take sippy cups when he's refusing most feedings.  Furthermore, we are going to need help teaching how to use the cup.  He's got pieces of the process down: he'll hold to cup, and the bang his tray or my hand, which ever is closer.  He will also drink from the cup; that's if you hold it up for him.  However, Miles has yet to raise the cup to his mouth.  For the kid who will try to teethe on anything, literally, it blows my mind that he's got no interest in putting that cup to his lips.  So if you've been in a similar situation with your darling, I'd love to hear how you survived.


Unknown said...

Anna, what kind of cups are you using? Have you tried different kinds?

I really don't have much advice because I've been giving Mason a cup to hold since he was about 6 or 7 months and he is still not using it all the time. A friend of mine's son wouldn't take it at all so about 3 weeks before his 1st birthday his day care advised not to offer the bottle AT ALL for a week. After a week he was 100% sippy cup. I keep saying I'm going to do that, but the only time Mason will cuddle is during his morning bottle so we're still doing that. I think it is all mommy's issue though.

I guess my only suggestion would be to try different cups-ones with handles, ones without, ones with hard spouts, ones with rubbery spouts like nipples, ones with valves, etc. That is what I do and I'm starting to see preferences.

Amber Turner said...

I win the bad mommy award in this department b/c I lied to the doc and told him that Kenden was no longer getting a bottle, but he got a bottle until about 30 months, only at nap and bedtime...and not in the bed and he wasn't drinking it to go to sleep, just while I read to him in the rocking chair. He got cups every other time....

I agree...try different cups, and the Nuby ones with the soft spouts are good b/c they mimic the texture of a bottle nipple. Just buy one of each and see what he is drawn to...the joys of motherhood! It is a guessing game!

Amber Turner said...

Oops....meant to type 20 months, not 30 months!! hahahaha!

Karen Getty said...

Hey Anna, I agree with Amy and Amber about trying different cups. But guess what? Sonny is 3 years old and I STIL give him bottles at night time. Like Amber said, it's sort of a comfort thing. He doesn't get it at daycare, but I give it to him. He drinks out of a sippy cup fine and actually we're progressing on to regular cups, but he still wants his bottle at night time and damn it - I give it to him. Oh, and he's still not potty trained and he sleeps in the bed with me -oops. Child development specialists - kiss my butt! Don't let people tell you what your child needs to be doing and when he needs to be doing it. People also like to say you have to be in college by this age, married by this age, house by this age. It's all a bunch of BS! You're doing a great job!!!!! Oh, and Sonny eats peanut butter crackers for dinner if anything. The ONLY vegetables he'll eat are raw carrots and french fries. Hope my "issues" make you feel a little better :).