Sunday, March 1, 2009

Another day of many firsts

Here's a list of all the new firsts Miles experienced yesterday:

1. Family trip to IKEA

2. learning the true love of modern yet functional design

3. chilled cucumber slices- so good for angry gums

4. sucking said cucumber slices flat- like a spa treat for the soul

5. drinking water from a glass- forget sippy cups, this is big boy time

6. getting a fury friend with the same teeth as Miles is trying to pop out

7. said friend is now going by the name Mr. Beavs, and he, like everything listed above, is from IKEA (see image above to witness the cuteness of this stuffed beaver, who also ate cinnamon buns this morning)

8. 2 two hour naps (thanks to driving time) in like 6 months

9. never cried once while we were there- 3.5 hours of over-stimulation and loving it!  He probably clapped for a total of 80 minutes throughout our stay. 

10. Swedish cinnamon buns & meatballs- obviously, not in the same bite- but given his cheek size, I am sure some remnants got mixed together during the "gumming" process

And why did we make this 2 hour pilgrimage?  To celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary!!  What better way to say I love you than to invest in a new love seat that doesn't smell like dog.  True makes the heart pitter patter. 


I'm Jennifer said...

Happy Anniversary! Seems like your wedding celebrations were merely a year ago, what fun times those were!

Anna said...

Yes- that was such a fun night! That picture of you, me, and the spatula in my kitchen is an all time favorite.