Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is a productive cough?

We should be in the final throws of the pneumonia.  A cough,  not too loud or barky, has emerged in the past few days.  Doc said Miles would "cough it out"- and "it" I guess refers to the pneumonia, and the cough should be productive.  He seems a little sickly tonight- no fever, but pretty grumpy, and the reflux is kicking into high gear.  Bet the cough could be reflux relate- but I do hear some chest rumblings with some of the louder coughs.  How do I know that this is a productive cough or something else?  I am getting a little worried.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

If he is bringing up mucus, it is productive. You might see him swallowing after, or needing to spit stuff out. Hard to tell if your guy just swallows it after coughing it up. Mine always did. Hoping Miles gets through this last part soon!