Sunday, January 18, 2009

Not very productive

He hasn't coughed out any mucus.  In fact, Miles is sounding worse today, in terms of stuffiness and lung congestion, that he did yesterday.  Also, he's now running a (very) low grade fever- but he's got that fevered two mile stare going on.  And he's having longer coughing spells.  Oi!  Little man needs a break.

Has anyone ever given their child Cardec DM?  This was prescribed to help with the congestion; I've got the feeling that it's not helping at all.

In tummy news- Jesse and I just remembered that we have to reintroduce wheat into Miles' diet before his next GI appointment.  She agreed to do the Celiac screening then, but it won't work if he has been eating wheat.  We started back to days ago, and I don't think we can make it to February 12th.  He has been soooo gassy.  On numerous occasions- we've got him sleeping in a triangle pose- buns aimed sky high and little tummy all scrunched up.  

I hope someday Miles will be cool with me sharing updates about his gas with folks I've never met.  This thought does cross my mind every so often.  Is blogging like having your parents whip out baby pictures to a new boyfriend- times a billion?  Even so, I've gained so much from this site.   I let out the bad and accept the good; I get great advice.  And I feel the love and support I so desperately need at times.  Thanks everybody! 

p.s. In a month and a half, Miles will be a year old.  Zoinks, Shaggy!

1 comment:

I'm Jennifer said...

I don't have a clue about most baby health stuff, but I do know about celiacs, my nephew has it. If he does have a wheat allergy, there are so many non-wheat options out there these days, once you get in the groove of a new diet (if that's what you've gotta do) it's a breeze.

Will the GI doc let you introduce wheat closer to the 12th? I feel so bad for his poor little tummy!

Where has the year gone?!? I feel like I was marveling at your description of labor and those precious newborn pictures just the other day!