Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We are home.

Miles chowed down on 5 ounces of formula this morning, thus making hospital bail.  Jesse and I are sitting on our sofa now, dazed from the last 72 hours.  I can't believe how quickly Miles went feeling fine to being utterly wiped out.  From having cold symptoms Saturday morning to being diagnosed with pneumonia and dehydration on Sunday night has left our heads spinning.  In the back of my mind, I am scared that this will be the trend for colds- that upper respiratory infections will quickly lead to bigger troubles.  Miles has already been vaccinated for some types of pneumonia, but I've got to remember that he will never be fully protected.  As much as I secretly want it, I know making Miles a "bubble boy" will only lead to more problems.  I've never been a germaphobe- though never say never.  Knee-jerking must be a typical parental reaction to scares like this... or at least I hope this reaction is normal.  Obligatory silver lining- I've become a ninja at rectal temperature taking and nasal aspirating.  Not to saying that I enjoy either of these tasks because I really don't!  

Little man has transitioned home well.  He's napping, so why am I awake and typing?  Lemme run and catch some Zzzzz's.   


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! So many people have been praying and thinking positive thoughts for Miles and you.

Here's hoping that you can get some much needed rest and stay home from work for the remainder of the week.

Anonymous said...

I was so happy to hear from MK that Miles was home and on the mend. You will remain as always in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

I've been away for a few days and was happy to see that Miles is doing better now! How scary!