Monday, January 5, 2009

Down for the Count- the crud has morphed

Around eleven last night we learned that Miles' cold has turned into pneumonia.  Our trip to urgent care did little to alleviate his discomfort, and nothing seemed to quell his fever.  I watch that thermometer jump from 99.6 to 101.3 to 102.7 to 103.4- and that's where we decided to go to the hospital.  The on-call nurses and doctor told us that we didn't need to go, but the fact the Miles was refusing fluids and not cooling down.  And once we got to the hospital I felt they were probably right.  In triage, Miles' temp had dropped down to 101.6, and he oxygen level was at 100%.  Everybody kept asking if it was croup, as if this could be the only explanation for his fussiness.  (And pneumonia was quickly ruled out on Friday.)  Miles was hilarious in the ER.  He was tracking people who passed by our room, but the curtain kept blocking his view.  So he would crane his entire body to get a better view.  Much funnier to witness because his timing was right on.  Luckily, we packed a few toys.  And played, in between nose swabs, medications, and x-rays, right up to midnight.  I am very thankful that we did go to the ER because who knows if the pediatrician would have caught the pneumonia during the office visit today, especially without an x-ray.  Kudos to Jesse for insisting we go instead of waiting things out.  Miles is still hot today.  The last reading I got was around 101, but the thermometer died on the job.  I know Miles was glad to have his buns freed for a bit.  The mucus is heavier than ever, but he was able to drink 3 ounces of Pedialite!  A huge accomplishment because he wasn't taking more than an ounce or so at each feeding, and he has totally refused solid foods.  But best of all- I changed a wet diaper around 9 am.  He hadn't been wet since 6 pm yesterday- very scary.  The ER doc told us to come back in the morning if he didn't have 2 wet diapers by then, but his regular doc said to wait until 2 pm and come into her office for a check-up.  We have decided to wait to see his doctor because she knows him best, though the ER doc from last night was awesome.  She was observant, thorough, listened well, and was fast!  Two thumbs up from two very tired parents.  Miles is starting to wake up from his am nap- more details later.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart out to Mr. Miles and to you and Jesse. Prayers for his renewed health.