Saturday, January 3, 2009

the creepin' crud

Miles has his first ever cold, and it's a whopper.  Around 3 last night, we were awoken by a piercing scream.  Miles never does this; he might fuss a bit- but he's easily coaxed back to sleep.  However, he hollered until close to 6 am.  He was running a low grade fever, but I just chalked it up to him being to warm in his jammies and blanket.  Everything seemed fine later this morning.  He ate well, took a good morning nap, and was in a decent mood.  The proverbial poopy diaper hit the fan around 10:30.  The same crying from last night started up.  His fever had also gone up to 101.6 degrees.  Our on-call pediatrician sent us to the nearest urgent care to tie Miles over until Monday.  Apparently our regular doctor does have Saturday morning hours, and I heard two people too many that we should have called earlier.  Um, hello- he was feeling fine earlier.  Comments like that are very unhelpful, especially when you are stressed out over a sick child.  Anyways- the trip to the urgent care went pretty well, except that they really don't know anything about infants.  Like how to properly take temperature, weight, etc.  We were asked for ball park figures on both.  The doc, though friendly, took the anti-biotic cop-out route.  When in doubt, call in the anti-biotic.  A philosophy of which I am not a fan.  Anyways, what he really needed was a decongestant.  I asked the urgent care doc to contact the on-call pediatrician and run her plan by him.  I am soooooooo glad I asked her to do that because the other doc changed the prescription.  He said hold off on the anti-biotic and try a decongestant first.  

The remainder of the day has been pretty tough.  The fever is slowly dropping, but the stuffiness is picking up.  It's nearing ten thirty, and he's getting restless again.  I think Miles was only asleep for 30 minutes, tops.  Jesse is up there now- relieving me from my sick duty.  It's actually tough to detach myself when Miles is feeling bad- like I have kicked into Mama Bear mode, and I am out to protect my cub and maul anyone who stands in the way.  Oh, an angry squeal on the monitor- let me run.  A mama bear's work is never done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mama Bear pose, eh? Mama knows best!

I scrolled down to the spiky hair and loved it! Your blog is terrific. The pictures are great.

Anna, 29! Don't sweat seems like a biggie now...but wait till you hit the big ones! Talk about saggin' and draggin'... You look great and Mama Bearhood is a plus.

Happy New Year!