Friday, November 14, 2008

Riddle me this, Batman

We just (as in 10 minutes ago) found out that Miles needs to have an Upper GI done. does one convince an infant to drink barium, especially when said infant snubs juice?  I am not looking forward to this and neither is Miles.


Unknown said...

Anna - Mason had an upper GI when he was about 12 weeks old. At that point he hadn't had anything besides breast milk and formula so I was really concerned that the barium would be really hard to get him to take. It was much easier than I thought because it went in his regular bottle and they had some flavor to it. The other thing about it is he will be strapped to a little rotating table when they give it to him so he won't have much wiggle room. The tech just sort of put his hands on either side of his head while I fed it to him.

Good luck! Mark thought it was pretty cool to watch because he actually got to see the barium going down on the screen and in the case of reflux he actually saw it come right back out and announced it before I even knew it was coming back up since I wasn't looking at the baby and not the screen.

Will it be at CHKD?


Anna said...

Amy- Thank you so much for posting that! I'm guessing it will be done at CHKD because Miles' GI works in their network. It's just so weird that we didn't have any acid reflux-like issues until 2 months ago. That's a really late start. I'm worried that it's somehow linked to his surgery.

Cynthia said...

Sorry Miles has to go through more tests. Not saying this is the cause, but low muscle tone does contribute to reflux. I know a lot of kids who have it along with low muscle tone.