Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Big Chill is getting old!

The appointment with the geneticist went very well for Miles.  Little man is doing beautiful on both growth charts- the standard chart and the chart for DS.  On one hand, it's nice to see that Miles is making progress by "normal" standards, but 3rd percentile is still a little hard to swallow.  However, the DS chart has my critter smack dab in the 50th percentile- that's music to my ears.  

There was a slight cloud over my parade, and it came when the doctor told me to chill out and not to worry so much.  Being told to mellow out is getting really old, and I've only been doing this for 6 months.  I'm bound to snap one day and Binky-whip some poor, unsuspecting person in a lab coat- someone not a doctor, but who plays one on TV.  Social graces aren't my strong suit- if I am mad, my flushed checks always give me away.  For my son's sake, I have tried very hard to control my knee-jerk reactions, but these doctors are getting my ire up.  I made sure that I was super polite and friendly during the entire visit because I know I can get pretty intense when discussing his health.  Even that hour wait in the examining room didn't ignite my temper.  The problem must be that I have many questions that need to be answered thoroughly.   

Having my thoroughness and concern belittled by a professional is not appropriate.  Doctors joking about me doing too much research and worrying too much always comes across as passive aggressive.  Should I start handing out a "I'm not trying to do your job" disclaimer when I make to co-pay?  Better yet, don't tell me to calm down; give me solid information- that's what will make me "chill out."  

To the doctor's benefit, an apology was given (and accepted).  

For Christmas, I am asking Santa for thinker skin.


Amber Turner said...

Anna, I am SO with you on this one....I get so irritated when docs try to "sugar coat", beat-around-the-bush, and/or "poo-poo" things away, whether it be about your child, or yourself! I have had some medical stuff going on myself lately, and I swear, I hate these "please don't worry" or "it shouldn't be anything...but we want to do more tests" crap. So I get on the computer and read everything I can about it. Then they seem pissed when I know everything about whatever procedure they are getting ready to do....well, HELLO, someone had to inform me, so I guess it had to be ME!

You just keep doing what you are doing girl....he is your SON, and you are doing what is in HIS best interest health-wise. There is nothing more irritating when these docs (who you come to for HELP) try to downplay stuff. I would say if that sort of thing continues with your pediatrician, consider finding someone who takes your concerns seriously....You are being a GREAT mom, and for what it is worth, I am proud of you! Amber

Anna said...


Thanks for all of your support! Maybe we need to kick some doctor butt together- Hopewell-style. Like I say, you can leave the 'well, but the 'well never leaves you. Luckily, I am married to most mellow guy ever, and he's great at calming me down. I truly hope everything works out for you and your docs. Take care!

Amber Turner said...

Yep! You can take the girl out of Hopewell, but you can't take Hopewell out tha girl! ha! Just so you know, I went for my 2nd opinion today (it is for myself, not Kenden, but still...I needed answers I wasn't getting) and I feel so much better b/c the doc I saw today was SO THOROUGH...I am breathing a collective sigh of relief. So I guess what I am still saying is, if you aren't getting what you want out of Miles' pediatricians now, find someone who understands, who is understanding, and who is more than willing to help! Those docs are out there! And also like I said, you keep up the great work supermom! :o) And if you need me to come help you man-handle some docs, you just call a sista up! haha!