Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Surprise Zebra!

These pictures were taken yesterday.  He is only getting sweeter by the day!


Lanaux said...

So glad that he is feeling better! Cloth diapers are certainly the GPC way to go, but....will your house then have that "diaper" smell???? It is kind of amazing to consider ALL the disposable diapers from ALL the babies piling up...where? Don't wanna live near there, that's for sure! In the parlance of the 8th grade girl, "ewwwwww!"

Anna said...

Ha! The 8th grade girl "Ewwwwww..." How will you ever live without it? You'll have to hear the 11th grade girl, "Shaaa...whatever." That's the price you pay for leaving me behind. And typing of behinds, you are right; should we have a new continent of diapers by now. Maybe it could be the new prison colony like Australia was. I can just see it now- sentenced to life in Diaperville, 20 years of hard Huggies! I have been following your blog- wish we were there!