Saturday, July 12, 2008

An improvement & a green movement

Miles' new diuretic medication seems to be making him feel better.  He was much calmer yesterday once it hit his system.  This new drug is reducing his fluid build-up and increasing our diaper usage 10 fold.  Makes me wonder if I can get away with raising a free-range child.  You know, let him cruise around diaper-less in the backyard with the pups.  Just a thought, since I am dropping so much money on Pampers.  I am currently investigating the cloth/reusable diaper route.  I was a clothe diaper kids, as was Jesse.  Needless to say, those diapers of yore have undergone some serious technological advances.  And they seem so stylish, too.  I just have to convince Jesse that using our washing machine for diapers is a good investment.  This is going to be a hard sell- he gets squeamish with this topic.  

Check out gDiapers. They are the front runner of new diaper choices:


Anonymous said...

Anna, I have spent the last two hours--maybe even more--reading your entire blog, and you're right, the magnetism of your precious Miles and his wonderful Mama and Daddy has drawn me in and I am firmly attached! How I would love to share a big hug and a baby snuggle with you all. I'm looking forward to that, but for now I'll be with you every day through the wonder of the internet.
I've thought about you so many times over the years--you know what usually triggers my stroll down memory lane is shopping in a flea market/antique store and coming across an old painting and thinking about how you superimposed your painting onto a city-scape. It always makes me wonder what you would do with this or that old painting.
Oh, Anna, you look so much like 'Anna' and you sound like Anna, and somehow, I think I remember that possible?
I'll be counting the days to putting Miles' surgery and immediate recovery behind you. I happen to know there are real angels working in the pediatric ICUs, and the ones in the cardiac pediatric units are the most special.
Much love to you three. I can't wait to share a hug and a snuggle!

Anna said...

Hey Annelle!!

Yes, you did meet Jesse. In fact, we all went out to eat towards the end of our senior year. And I love that you remember those painting paintings. I have done one of those in years. Sadly, my brushes have been packed up. Though I get my creative outlet with the camera; I obviously have a very willing subject! Thanks for your support. And when little man is well enough, we will take a road trip to Martinsville!

Take care, Anna

Anonymous said...

Hey Anna -
I was just telling Mike the other day that I really wanted to read the blog and catch up with everything going on with you all. You truly are a gifted writer. I did not know about Miles heart surgery and I can only imagine your fears. Mike and I will keep you in our thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks. We do hope to make it up to VA soon to visit with you!

Anna said...


We would love to see you! I was so excited to see your posting. Seeing that I've most recently hung out with your house and not you, we need to fix that. You and Mike certainly need to meet the little man. He is just like his dad- a handful! (A handful of what, I am not saying :) . . .

Thanks for your support! Anna