Sunday, July 27, 2008

"She must be from Tennessee."

The phrase above was uttered by my observant father.  Miles' Grandaddy W noticed plastic medicine cups used as IV port protectors and made this assumption.  It's cool; my dad grew up in Tennessee.  Apparently inhabitants of the Volunteer state are adept at impromptu riggings.  My dad is a good example of this inventiveness.  Duct tape and bungee cords can solve almost any crisis.  He even repaired his mother-in-law's (my Granny's) Caddie with a roll of duct tape- eat your heart out MacGuiver!  Furthermore, my grandfather used epoxy for everything- even dental work.  Chipped tooth- not with a tube of epoxy on hand!  Our day shift nurse got creative and used plastic medicine cups to keep Miles' IV ports in his foot and his hand.  The protective shield of socks and tape were not strong enough to block his kung-fu kicks.  He dislodged the foot IV late last night, and he was working on his oxygen tubes when we arrived this morning.  Miles looks so silly with cup parts taped on his extremities.  He sounds even funnier when they clink together.  

We received a so-so report from the lung fluid culture.  The on-call doctor said some of the screening number were a bit too high, but the triglyceride levels are still low- which is very good.  This means we can't be certain of the presence of an infection.  The staff will continue to monitor Miles for other signs.  He hasn't had a fever since last night- even better news.  Miles is also eating like an ox- his ability to take formula means he no longer receiving "food" via IVs.  Potassium and calcium levels are looking good.  

I am going to be extra alone tonight.  Miles was moved to a private room today.  We are out of the cardiac bay but still in the PICU.  This means we can finally stay overnight; only one parent at a time.  Jesse wanted to take the first shift.  I don't think he could stay away any longer.  He was actually prepared to sleep in the PICU waiting lounge today- the location of that circus that earlier irked me.  But he was been spared sleeping on the floor.  Tonight Jesse will slumber on a padded bench right next to Miles.  I will be there tomorrow night.  Cynthia, you are certainly right- we need are rest when we can get it.  So I will take your advice now and head to bed. 


Anonymous said...

Anna -
I want you to know that you, Jesse, and Miles are in my thoughts in prayers. It certainly sounds like Miles has his mother's strength and determination and will make a fabulous recovery!
With love, Meghan

:o) mg said...

Couldn't wait to wake up this morning and check on his progress. Hope you got some much needed rest.
Meghan is right, that boy is one determined little kid! You just wait until later when he figures out where you hide the cookies! :o)

Karen Getty said...

I'm so happy to hear Miles is doing well! I will continue to keep him in my thoughts as he recovers. You have no idea how much you were missed this weekend at the 98 reunion. Wesley gave you a very appropriate shot out - reading your email to everyone. It was a decent turnout - good to see everyone and catch up. I can't wait to catch up with you, when everything settles.