Monday, July 28, 2008

Mama's little spitfire

Jesse and Miles had a pretty good night last night- that is until his blood was drawn at 4 a.m.  It took about an hour to find a usable vein.  Unfortunately, little man was stuck numerous times.  Sounds like they were trying to tap an unwelcoming keg.  It took 2 doses of fentinel and 1 dose of oxycodon to calm him down.  Miles was hotter than a disco inferno; he was madder than Hades.  He has quickly earned a rep in the PICU as a spitfire.  Honestly- I am glad that I missed the chaos.  Though lonely last night, I was able to get some decent sleep.

More good news- looks like Miles will move out of the PICU today.  Though the chest tube is still attached, no signs of infection have surfaced- the blood cultures haven't grown anything in over 2 days.  I was able to look at his incision this morning, such a clean and straight line.  We were both present as his bandages were changed.  His chest wires, the lines to the back-up pacemaker, were also removed.  And we get to keep them!  At first, the prospect of carting around used medical equipment triggered my upchuck reflex.  Jesse eagerly snapped at the offering.  How often do parents get souvenirs of items that have touched their child's heart?  Clearly this is not a large marker, but this will make an interesting addition to the baby book.


Anonymous said...

YEEHAA!! This is GREAT news. I know you have to look at things as they are, trying not to label, but GREAT is GREAT.
"Bless his little heart" has never had such literal meaning.

Anonymous said...

We would expect nothing less of your son! Once again he is ahead of the curve!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that everything is going so well. It sounds like Miles has all the spunk he needs to keep everyone on their toes. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
MK's Mom

Anonymous said...

Anna and Jesse,
You have been given a wonderful gift and he will enrich your lives forever. Sounds like he will not be shy about letting you know how he feels about things...why am I not surprised about that! (Smile!) Prayers are continually winging their way to Heaven for Miles and you.

Blessings...Ann B.

Cynthia said...

I'm so impressed at how Miles has sailed through this. It feels so fast to me, but you are probably thinking this has been a very long time in the hospital. The faster you can get him out of there the better!

Woo hoo!

Ben was a "hard stick" too, always ended up getting a life flight nurse in to do it, they seem to be the best at this. Glad Miles lets them know what they did to him was not acceptable, but know it is hard (understatement) when you have to watch and/or help them do it. BTDT.

Yea, Miles!

:o) mg said...

I'm afraid the "yuck factor" is pretty high for me on the medical equipment stuff, but then again, I've never walked in shoes nearly as big as the ones your family is wearing right now. Glad things are going so well. What a trooper!

Lanaux said...

But just think of show and tell in first grade..."and these are the wires that connected to my left arterial blah blah blah" - he's gonna have SERIOUS street cred! And the bodacious scar to prove it! You may have some odd things in your family treasury, but who wants the same old same old? I am so heartened - no pun intended - that Miles' fighting spirit is creating many opportunities for the staff there to learn new skills. He's a teacher too, apparently. Just hope that they keep up with the learning curve :) From our hearts to