Saturday, July 19, 2008

I need to whip out the thank-you notes, stat!

We are back home, and I will be spending the remainder of this hot afternoon writing thank-you notes.  Some special treats arrived in the mail while we were out.  The day before we left I got a package from my Kristin.  Kristin has 3 boys of her own, and we have been friends since elementary school.  I am amazed that she had time to make it to the post office!  She sent Miles the cutest outfit and rain coat.  Too cute!

The above onesies were handmade by my amazing friend Becki and her momma Annelle.  Becki and I date back to our freshman year in college.  She lived across the hall from me, and she was crazy enough to live with me the following year.  Both designs are sacred in this house.  "Silly Biscuits" is my favorite nickname for Miles.  "The Dude" is the Thomas family patron saint.  In fact, my license plate is a take-off on that movie!  (The Big Lebowski)  Some day I will cart Jesse and Miles off to Lebowski Fest.  If we make it by next year, Miles will have the perfect outfit.  In addition to the coolest onesies ever, Becki also included some essential items for our hospital stay: facial wipes, nile file, pocket-sized teeth cleaners, teething tablets in a funky box, stickers. . . enough to keep us clean and happy!

The blue box is from "Annie's Sugarbuns Bakery."  Though I have never been there, it is already my favorite bakery.  Annie is my mom's cousin's daughter's daughter- let's just say she is my cousin.  Annie's box is full of the tastiest treats and a very sweet drawing for Miles.  I am taking the chocolate; Miles and I will share Annie's drawing.

The final picture is a P. Buckley Moss lithograph print entitled, "With All My Heart."  This is from my cousin Ann, and it really  moves me.  What an excellent interpretation of the love a mother has for her child.  And I love the fact they are embracing inside of a heart.  I feel like I am living inside of Miles' heart right now; it seems like everything I do is centered around it.  When I look at this print, I will remember how Miles' heart is bringing our friends and family so much closer together.

And a huge shout out goes to my cousin Shelby and her husband Jason.  They have opened up their house to us during our stays in Charlottesville.  They live less than 10 minutes away from the hospital, an amazing convenience.  We are so thankful to be spending these stressful days in a warm and welcoming home. 

1 comment:

Anna said...

Correction- The print is from my cousin (she's more like an aunt) Ann. She and her entire family have been so encouraging and supportive. And Ann has great taste in art (and coffee)!