Sunday, July 20, 2008

A new treasure

Last night Miles and I read a new book entitled, "Love You Forever."  This was a gift from Katie, my brother's girlfriend.  Katie said that this book has been a favorite of her mother's for some time.  After reading it with Miles (and getting teary-eyed), I can see why.  The mother in the story sings to her son at night, as an expression of love.  I do the same.  I'd sing all day long if I could, but I have to learn some more Beatles songs.  Miles is proving to be a Beatles man while Mommy is still in Camp Rolling Stones.  "Brown Sugar" just isn't an appropriate lullaby. Looks like Dada gets the swing vote.  The cover of this book is too precious.  The son is sitting in the bathroom, dangling his mother's watch over the toilet.  Kinda reminds me of me- I think I used to filled my dad's shoes with apple juice.  Forgiving flushed watches and cidered loafers is a true testament of unconditional love.  Thanks Katie- this book is certainly a treasure!


:o) mg said...

I just thought I was allergic to this book... it always made me tear up too. Never could get through it without pausing to get that pesky frog out of my throat.
Holding you in prayer for the next few weeks... hopefully you will be able to update from the hospital?

Anna said...

I am taking the computer with me. However, I don't think the hospital has public Wi-Fi access. Luckily, there are a billion coffee houses in walking distance. I am sure I will constantly step out for fresh air, a cup of joe, and a chance to update the blog. I want to keep the updates coming. That's my plan, so far.

And "Love You Forever" is so sweet. It has now joined the ranks of "On the Night You Were Born" as books I can't read aloud when I am too emotional- or I won't be able to finish them!

Anonymous said...

That book is a favorite at our house as well. I can rarely get through it without choking up a bit. It must be a mom thing, because my husband thinks it's a bit creepy, lol.

I'll be keeping your family in my prayers, and checking in for the updates.

Cynthia said...

I love that book! After 7 years, I still can't read it without getting teary.
I'll be keeping you in my prayers these next weeks. Here is a quote I recently found that may help:
If the future seems overwhelming, remember that it comes one moment at a time.
Beth Mende Conny

Karen Getty said...

While I don't have the book "Love you Forever," I do have "On the night you were born" and I always have to fight the tears! But hey, I've been known to cry at "Where the wild things are" if I'm emotional enough (which is quite often). Anna, you give that sweet sweet baby a huge kiss for me. My entire family will be thinking of you this week. And I'll pour a beer out for you on Saturday. Love you! Karen

Anna said...

Make it a Natty Light for authenticity! Just kidding- I miss you guys so much! Maybe a mini-reunion could be thrown together for Homecoming this year, just a thought. Hopefully we will catch up in the not-too-distant future.

Love, A