Sunday, January 27, 2008

A night on the town

Jesse and I went to see Juno with our friends Missy and Andy. The movie was their suggestion. I am so glad we took them up on it. I am generally avoided all flicks that deal with child birth in the recent months. However, this is such a charming and hilarious movie that seems to be a fairly accurate portrayal of pregnancy. The title preggers character is only 16, I found myself enjoyably relating to her experience. And to top it off, the birth scene did not freak me out. A+ for that- much unlike the birthing scene in Knocked Up, which led me to say I never wanted to have children. Ironically, I was pregnant at the time, but I just didn't know it. Let's hope my delivery is more like the quirky dramady (drama/comedy) Juno and light years away from Knocked Up.

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