Monday, January 21, 2008

Anna the Grouch

Yep, that's me- sans the green fur and trash can abode. I just snapped at Jesse for the lamest reason. Granted, the exchange required me to walk up our stairs. I only mention this because I've done this 1,000,000,000 times today, and my big lazy butt is just not handling this form of transportation all too well. Poor guy didn't know what he was getting into by asking an innocent question. There were no warning signs that I was close to snapping- no steam pouring from my ears, no reddened complexion, not twitching hands eagerly pawing a switchblade knife. I looked cool as a kitten. However, under that calm kitten exterior purred the snarky growl of jackal- a jackal low on patience and empty on tolerance. I admit it now- I am 100% at fault. I take full responsibility for being the jerk. Ironically, I also have yet to apologize. He conveniently hopped in the shower before I could insert my swollen foot into my over sized, bossy mouth. Groveling at Chez Thomas will begin in about ten minutes. Is it cool to blame the hormones? I hope so, because that is my only defense. It was not premeditated. Rajah is my alibi; he watched me clean all afternoon. Alright, let me run and make my amends. Nobody likes a grouch, especially the non-Muppet varieties.

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