Sunday, December 2, 2007

kicks and lit

Kicks: I felt a baby kick from the outside this morning. This is huge because, so far, all movement has been kept internal. Lots of extra padding, you see? But today, the new Thomas was able to kick my hand up. Immediately I screamed for Jesse; he's been more anxious about feeling kicks. Sadly, no motion was to be felt by his hand. Jesse gave up after a minute and left the room, but he left too soon because the baby did it again. Jesse does not believe me. I think he's just bummed that he hasn't felt the little one yet.
Lit: My dad just celebrate his birthday (62 or 29-depending on how you flip the candles-according to him), with two new children's' books. I decided to get him two titles to start a grand parents' library. I will always cherish my dad's most animated way of reading and telling stories. He even went so far as to record stories for me when he would be out of town. I still have my copy of Grover's story, "When is Saturday?" I gave Dad copies of "the Angry Caterpillar" and "Corduroy." He will turn them into masterpieces!

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