Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Road Trip

We are hittin' the road for Charleston, SC early tomorrow morning. Typically, it would take the average driver (with an average-sized bladder) 8 hours to reach C'ston from the 'burg. However, I fear that all that baby pressure will make me meet many new gas stations along the way. Great. While in Nags Head two weekends ago, Jesse and I drove to Duck, NC. We stopped every 1/2 an hour. Furthermore, every place I had to squat required that we were patrons. Using the bathroom is rapidly becoming the most expensive aspect of being pregnant. Adult diapers are not sounding so bad right now. Well, at least they sound cheaper. I won't be posting until we return. Clark, who is now the Charleston hometown boy, says we are in for rain and warm weather- it's 80 degrees there currently. Very exciting! I'll be unseasonably warm in my diaper; maybe they make a deep South edition.

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