Monday, August 15, 2011

Red Leaves

The Japanese maple on my deck has recently sprouted red leafs. Much bigger than the existing green leaves. Fast and furious, they have crashed my little tree's house party, and they are looking to take over. Is there an analogy lurking in here? Something to do with the green and red leaves developing differently though they are from the same tree, that they will have to work together as they age- giving nutrients to the tree for a common good, as siblings they will be supporting each other, and... Naw, I was just checking to make sure you were paying attention.

But seriously, the maple is starting to turn red... and we are in the last, wheezing, gasping moments of my beloved summer vacation, or as this year will forever be known as, Toddler 'n' Teether 2011! Going back to work might actually be a bit easier than what I've had to juggle over the past few hot weeks. Middle schoolers vs. Thomas tiny tots... it's a toss up.

Is my heart breaking at the thought of not spending 90% of my days with Miles and Poppy? You bet your sweet bippy it is. Breaking into a million tiny pieces- oddly shaped like toy trains and binkies. Most of the time, my timing stinks. But Poppy's is spot on. She waited until June to truly come out of her shell, and I'd like to think she was saving it up for me. Thank God for this time because I've been able to bond with her. And we've been able to watch Miles fall in love with his sister, too. Case in point, I trucked the munchkins into school today- had to pick up my new laptop. The drive over couldn't have been cuter; they were taking turns making each other laugh. Think ridiculously cute and multiply that by 100, that's what it was like to be there.

As I am going to miss them once I'm back full time in the classroom, I know they will miss each other when Miles also returns to school. This might make me a bit sadder than as I before. Great. Back to those red leaves, I guess.

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